[TMP] 18th Century ImagiNations Message Board - The ...

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18th Century ImagiNations Message Board. For discussion of anything related to wargaming with imaginary 18th Century nations. There are 100 topics listed on ...   18thCenturyImagiNationsMessage Board Fordiscussionofanythingrelatedtowargamingwithimaginary18thCenturynations. Thereare100topicslistedonthispage. Sorry-onlyverifiedmemberscanstartnewtopicsontheforum.WouldyouliketobeaBasicMember?Enterthetermyouwanttofindinamessage,andpressSearch. SearchType: titles posts authors Casesensitive? Backtothe18thCenturyMessageBoards AreasofInterest18th Century FeaturedHobbyNewsArticleFreeDownload:PaperSoldiersCatalog FeaturedLinkGuilfordCourthouseII Top-RatedRulesetDeBellisAntiquitatis(DBA)Rating:        FeaturedShowcaseArticle1:700BlackSeasBritishBrigs EditorinChiefBill paintsbrigsfortheBritishfleet. FeaturedBookReviewUnion1812 122,280hitssince1Nov2011©1994-2021BillArmintrout Commentsorcorrections? Pleasesignintoyourmembershipaccount,or,ifyouarenotyetamember,pleasesignupforyourfreemembershipaccount.TopicsSortedbyLastPost TopicPostsLastPost Whatrulesdoyouuse? 12 31 Dec 20215:30 a.m. PSTReconnaissanceInForce 1 22 Dec 20213:47 p.m. PST19th-CenturyWargames"Imagi-Nations" 13 20 Dec 20219:52 a.m. PSTHonoursofWar–ALAWForumGet-together 3 10 Oct 20217:56 p.m. PSTBlogupdate:ArquebusiersdeGrassinplussomeFlags 10 04 Oct 202111:20 a.m. PSTOnceMoreUntotheLeech! 4 03 Oct 20212:12 p.m. PSTADeathinthe"Family" 16 29 Aug 202112:38 p.m. PST30YWImaginationsCampaignLastStandoftheGlamorrigans 3 16 Aug 20211:52 p.m. PST30YWImaginationsCampaign,BourguignonneMovesNorth! 3 29 Jul 20219:50 p.m. PSTTheunexpectedmoment 6 22 Jul 20218:37 a.m. PSTCharlesGrantTheWargame 10 04 Jul 202112:36 p.m. PSTAdventArmyGenerals 3 03 Jul 20212:33 p.m. PSTMademyfirst2Imagi-Nations 10 14 Jun 20213:31 p.m. PSTRevisitingReturntoLilliput2.0in2021 4 23 Mar 20214:37 p.m. PSTIrishcontingentjoinstheBarryatofLyndonia’sarmy 13 22 Feb 20213:19 p.m. PST'Miquelets'paintedsample-andshortguide! 3 29 Dec 20202:07 p.m. PSTScrubyAmericanRevolution,TricorneEra,compatibility? 11 13 Dec 20203:19 p.m. PSTThebirthoftheBarryatofLyndonia 7 13 Nov 202010:18 a.m. PSTBlogUpdate:OttomanProgress! 14 12 Oct 20206:27 a.m. PSTStuartAsquith'sGuidetoSoloWargaming 16 14 Jul 202011:58 p.m. PSTPaintingforFunandCharityaCommunityProject 2 09 Jun 202011:33 a.m. PSTReviewofCSGrant'sCampaignBooks 12 20 May 20203:26 a.m. PSTSoWhat'sWrongWithImaginationsGames? 36 19 May 20201:22 a.m. PSTMonsterBloodTattooRPG-ConcludingSession 1 28 Apr 202010:23 a.m. PSTGraphPaperforMaps??? 13 24 Apr 20204:33 p.m. PSTMonsterBloodTattooRPG-PenultimateSession 1 21 Apr 20201:47 p.m. PSTMonsterBloodTattooRPG-EleventhSession 1 18 Apr 202010:22 a.m. PSTMonsterBloodTattooRPG-TenthSession 1 07 Apr 202011:05 a.m. PSTMonsterBloodTattooRPG-NinthSession 1 01 Apr 20209:54 a.m. PSTOldSchoolStyleHorse&MusketRules 23 21 Mar 20202:15 a.m. PSTBonniePrinceCharlie'sBattleofLochLochy 12 13 Mar 202011:28 a.m. PSTEighteenthCenturyin1/72 5 12 Mar 20205:32 p.m. PSTMonsterBloodTattooRPG-EighthSession 1 12 Mar 202011:10 a.m. PSTMonsterBloodTattooRPG-SeventhSession 1 07 Mar 20207:16 a.m. PSTAddingsomefortressbits... 1 02 Mar 20202:20 p.m. PSTMonsterBloodTattooRPG-SixthSession 2 28 Feb 20207:30 p.m. PSTMonsterBloodTattooRPG-FifthSession 2 21 Feb 202011:55 a.m. PSTSoor1745,andanewtoy 2 21 Feb 20209:14 a.m. PSTMonsterBloodTattooRPG-FourthSession 2 16 Feb 202012:37 p.m. PSTMonsterBloodTattooRPG-ThirdSession 2 13 Feb 202012:16 p.m. PSTThereWillBeAGreatBattle...InPatagonia 2 07 Feb 202011:19 a.m. PSTMonsterBloodTattooRPG-SecondSession 3 01 Feb 20207:41 p.m. PSTAARaBattleintheDunes 1 19 Jan 202010:11 a.m. PSTMonsterBloodTattooRPG 2 12 Jan 20205:32 p.m. PSTWell,barelythere:westartin1798 7 10 Jan 20201:17 p.m. PSTBritishInfantryinAdvance1701-1714(Imagi-NationStyle 8 26 Dec 20196:09 p.m. PSTBattleofHamburg23DEC1619AAR 1 25 Dec 20193:23 p.m. PSTGluttonianWarofSuccessionfinalbattleof1619 1 22 Dec 20193:54 p.m. PSTBlogpost:theElectoratearmyComplete! 11 12 Dec 20194:03 p.m. PSTThenavalbattleatCapeCanape 3 07 Dec 20193:37 p.m. PSTANewContinentandaNewCampaign 9 29 Nov 20195:22 p.m. PSTMauricewargame 11 29 Nov 20195:20 p.m. PSTBlogpost:I'mback!Longtimenosee! 5 27 Nov 20192:01 p.m. PSTByDawn'sEarlyLight... 1 30 Sep 20197:20 a.m. PSTArtilleryofCharlesXII 4 02 Sep 20191:56 a.m. PSTBodstonianartilleryPt2 12 15 Jul 20194:51 a.m. PSTWSScommunityoutthere? 12 23 Jun 20191:19 p.m. PST'CataloniaStandsAlone'&otherbooklets,nowready 5 04 Jun 20196:00 a.m. PSTHugenewDarkElfreleasesforFlintloqueandSlaughterloo 1 01 Jun 20197:40 p.m. PSTNavalbattleresolutionsystem? 9 31 May 201910:40 a.m. PSTEarly1700sOttomanarmylists? 2 31 May 20191:45 a.m. PSTWSS:BattleofWoodenstadt54mmWoodens. 13 21 May 20194:13 p.m. PSTFreebookletsandpaintingguides 4 16 May 20195:04 p.m. PSTWhatisbest"almostwar"forsatiricalgamingproject 32 13 May 20196:56 a.m. PSTFreeStuffforWargamers 18 08 May 20194:23 p.m. PSTZvezda"Medievallifeboat" 5 16 Apr 20196:51 a.m. PSTMinaironsWSSflagssample 2 25 Mar 20196:10 a.m. PSTDoyouhaveMilitiaRegiments? 9 18 Mar 20194:03 a.m. PSTReinforcementsformyBritanno-GallianWarsinNorth'Murica 3 15 Feb 20191:26 p.m. PSTBodstonianArtillery 3 14 Feb 20196:59 p.m. PST"Charge"battlereports? 20 09 Feb 20194:34 a.m. PSTImagi-NationDragoons 7 08 Feb 20199:46 a.m. PSTCarpanianInfantryRegimentSchweiger 2 04 Feb 201911:28 a.m. PSTTurningonadime 10 16 Jan 201911:14 a.m. PSTLatinfor“Ihavethemoney,nowIfight” 31 02 Jan 20198:48 a.m. PST"SecondWave"ofRoyalEcossaisOutfitted 2 01 Jan 20192:27 a.m. PSTRegimentClausthalerAdded 5 28 Nov 20181:02 p.m. PSTToySoldiersforOldSchoolWargaming 14 25 Nov 201812:40 p.m. PSTPartofRoyalEcossaisFinallyFinished! 3 11 Nov 20184:06 a.m. PSTImagiNationsAbroad 4 01 Nov 20182:13 p.m. PSTDunkelweizenDragoons“ThemightyDunks!” 7 30 Oct 20188:38 p.m. PSTNew17th/18thCenturyImaginationsBlog 6 12 Oct 20185:35 p.m. PSTNewImagiNationsCampaign... 5 05 Oct 20181:41 a.m. PSTSkirmishatSartoli... 3 19 Sep 201810:33 a.m. PSTAlbioncaptainandhisHalflingscribe 5 19 Sep 20184:03 a.m. PSTNewImagiNationstarted. 6 19 Sep 20182:28 a.m. PSTIsthereagenericuniform...? 46 27 Jul 201812:32 p.m. PSTAgeofUnreason-FunwithFlags 4 13 Jul 20187:59 a.m. PSTHouseRulesforGloire 10 05 Jul 20181:41 p.m. PSTBeervariansforCharge! 7 06 Jun 20187:24 a.m. PSTWoodenWarsImagiNations:BattleforWoodenstadt 10 06 Jun 20187:22 a.m. PSTImaginations:coachmaking101 3 31 May 20188:07 a.m. PSTAthreewaySYWcampaign 4 28 May 20182:09 a.m. PSTRulesforImagi-Nations18thcentury 29 26 May 20185:50 a.m. PSTÖsterbottens(Troll)Regemente 5 14 May 20183:36 a.m. PSTJanissaryunit 7 13 May 201811:51 a.m. PSTTenPercentoffTerrainRangeWC300418 1 30 Apr 20184:48 a.m. PSTTenPercentoffGrinningSkullrangeWC300418 1 30 Apr 20184:43 a.m. PSTBegovianArmy 3 29 Apr 20182:18 p.m. PSTNapoleonicImaginations? 22 09 Apr 20185:49 p.m. PST
