What is Ventrilo? - Computer Hope
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Ventrilo is a voice communication program that enables multiple users to talk or listen to other users. Ventrilo was popular with online game users for ... SkiptoMainContent HomeDictionaryV-Definitions Ventrilo Updated:03/12/2022byComputerHope Ventriloisavoicecommunicationprogramthatenablesmultipleuserstotalkorlistentootherusers.Ventrilowaspopularwithonlinegameusersforcommunicatingandgivinginstructionstootherplayers,buthasmostlybeenreplacedwithotherservicessuchasSkypeandDiscord. Relatedinformation HowtoconfigureanduseVentrilo. TheofficialVentrilowebsite. Gameterms,Internetterms,Microphone,Teamspeak,VoIP Wasthispageuseful?YesNoFeedbackE-mailSharePrint
- 1Ventrilo: Voice Communication for Gamers - YouTube
- 2Ventrilo - Wikipedia
Ventrilo (or Vent for short) is a proprietary VoIP software that includes text chat. Ventrilo. Ve...
- 3下載Ventrilo 4.0.3 – Vessoft - Windows
用Ventriloー用於通過因特網的語音通信軟件。該軟件允許你創建渠道,會談記錄,加密通道和調整對話音量。用Ventrilo包含一個內置的聊天和作用是在一個語音消息轉換 ...
- 4Ventrilo and TeamSpeak aren't dead: why diehards refuse to ...
2007: The first steps to a successful night of Ventrilo trolling is to change your display name t...
- 5下載Ventrilo Windows 10 (32/64 bit) 繁體中文
下載Ventrilo Windows 10 (32/64 bit) 免費。該應用程序在計算機遊戲期間提供遊戲玩家之間的高質量語音通信。