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本文素材from 紐約時報中文網,侵刪~

筆記整理by 知新共學外刊群筆記擔當、二級筆譯員Zoe


Chinese Court Says Apple Infringed on Qualcomm Patents

Infringe: V-T/V-I If something infringes people's rights, or infringes on them, it interferes with these rights and does not allow people the freedom they are entitled to. 侵犯 ,比如我們經常說的「侵犯版權」就可以用這個詞:Infringe copyright

The court decision bars Apple from selling the iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X in the country, Qualcomm said.

高通表示,法院裁決禁止蘋果在中國銷售iPhone 6S、iPhone 6S Plus、iPhone 7、iPhone 7 Plus、iPhone 8、iPhone 8 Plus和iPhone X。

Bar這裡作為動詞使用:V-T If someone is barred from a place or from doing something, they are officially forbidden to go there or to do it. 禁止,比如難民被禁止進入該國:Refugees are barred from entering this country.



The ruling does not affect sales of Apple’s three newest iPhones, the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR. As of late Monday in China, Apple was still selling the iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 on its Chinese website as well. Apple said all models remain available for customers in China, as the ruling only involves models running older software it has now changed.

這一裁決並不影響蘋果最新三款iPhone的銷售,即iPhone XS、iPhone XS Max和iPhone XR。

截至周一晚間,蘋果的中國網站上仍在銷售iPhone 7和iPhone 8。



Apple //said //all models remain available for customers in China//, as //the ruling //only involves// models //running older software// it has now changed.


The ruling involves models.

什麼樣的models ——running older software (使用舊軟體的機型)

Software後還有一個定語從句:it has now changed. 首先明確一下,it只能指代蘋果公司,蘋果公司已經更換了什麼呢?———older software,也就是省略掉的引導詞that.

Qualcomm, which has long sold key communications chips to Apple but has been excluded from its latest models, has filed a series of patent suits against the smartphone giant in multiple countries. Those lawsuits came after Apple filed suit in early 2017 challenging Qualcomm’s practices in licensing its patents.




Suit: a problem or complaint that a person or company brings to a court of law to be settled訴訟;訟案, 此處的」file suit」是最常見的搭配,即「提起訴訟」

本段最後一句the lawsuits came after處理成「在此之前」即可,lawsuit不必重複處理;

「Apple continues to benefit from our intellectual property while refusing to compensate us,」 Don Rosenberg, Qualcomm’s executive vice president and general counsel, said in a statement. The injunction is 「further confirmation of the strength of Qualcomm’s vast patent portfolio.」

「蘋果繼續受益於我們的智慧財產權,但卻拒絕向我們支付報酬,」高通執行副總裁兼總法律顧問唐·羅森伯格(Don Rosenberg)在一份聲明中表示。


Injunction:law an order given by a court, which tells someone not to do something〔由法院發出的〕禁(止)令;

The injunction is 「further confirmation of the strength of Qualcomm’s vast patent portfolio.」 本句翻譯的時候可以採用「名詞詞組動詞化」的技巧,看見了 A is B, 不一定就非得處理為「A是B」,可以把B名詞動詞化,比如此處就是將confirmation動詞化:證實了….

The company can ask the Chinese court, the Fuzhou Intermediate People’s Court, to review its ruling. But there is no provision to seek a stay in the injunction during that process.



Provision:[C] a condition in an agreement or law〔協議或法律中的〕規定,條款,條件,比如「基於某項法律條文」,我們一般說:

Under the provisions of….

Stay此處也是法律術語:[C,U] law the stopping or delay of an action because a judge has ordered it延緩,延期,推遲, 比如「死緩」:stay of execution;

The ruling comes amid signs of a slowdown in Apple smartphone sales that have battered its share price. It also adds to a series of developments that have worsened trade tensions between the United States and China, including the recent arrest of the chief financial officer of Chinese electronics giant Huawei.



Slowdown: [C usually singular,一般用單數] a reduction in activity or speed, 比如「經濟放緩」就可以使用該詞:a slowdown in the economy


Batter: to hit someone or something many times, in a way that hurts or damages them毆打;連續猛擊;撞擊

…comes amid… 可套用此處的處理方法:在…之際;



iPhone禁售令 媒體與分析師們都怎麼看?



高通公司10日宣布,在與蘋果的兩項專利糾紛案中獲勝,中國一家法院初步裁定,禁止蘋果公司在中國市場進口和銷售包括iPhone X在內的多款型號手機。高通與蘋果因專利之爭而「交惡」由來已久,雙方之間...

