MWC 2018│火藥味濃,高通暗諷華為5G晶片不是業內首款

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英特爾宣布為兩年後的東京奧運會部署5G技術,華為推出世界首款3GPP 5G商用晶片,高通展示在舊金山和法蘭克福的5G模擬測試結果……作為全球通信屆規模最大的展會,MWC2018毫無意外地被5G刷屏了。







作為全球領先的ICT服務商,華為在展會首日發布了MateBook X Pro系列新品筆記本電腦以及M5系列新品平板電腦,同時還宣布2018年推出端到端5G商用產品,2019年推出麒麟晶片和智慧型手機。


中興通訊每年投入30億元在5G領域,聯合高通、中國移動共同完成了全球首個基於3GPP R15標準的端到端系統測試。

華為Balong 5G01


英特爾還宣布將為2020年東京奧運會部署5G技術,並與日本通信服務提供商NTT DOCOMO展開合作,為即將到來的2020年奧運會的網絡基礎設施、連接和全新體驗合作提供5G技術支持。


」高通市場營銷高級總監Peter Carson在一場5G話題的媒體溝通會的開場直接針對友商,現場仿佛瀰漫著一股濃濃地火藥味。


在這場溝通會的前一天下午,華為在當地開了一場新品發布會,會上的「One More Thing」是一款5G晶片——Balong 5G01。


Peter Carson稱,高通在去年的MWC上就已經發布了全球首款5G數據機——驍龍X50 5G數據機;去年10月份在香港宣布了基於驍龍X50 5G數據機晶片組,實現了全球首個5G數據連接(data call);去年11月,高通聯合中興通訊和中國移動,完成了全球首個基於3GPP標準的端到端5G新空口系統互通(IoDT)。


」Peter Carson。

似乎還有些意猶未盡,Peter Carson接著又補充到:「我們也看到了友商推出了他們的5G晶片組,體積還是比較大的,並不適合於移動終端的需求。





事實上,在本屆MWC之前,高通已經宣布與全球20家OEM廠商達成合作,這些廠商將使用高通驍龍X50 5G新空口數據機系列,以此來打造最早一批的5G智能終端,預期在2019年進行發布。







Peter Carson表示:「最終成果表明,兩項5G模擬實驗均實現了5倍的網絡容量增益。








對他們來說,5G is now, is future!

Qualcomm implied that Huawei's 5G chip

is not the first in the industry.

Intel announced the deployment of 5G technology for the Olympic Games in Tokyo two years later.Huawei launched the world's first 3GPP 5G commercial chip, and qualcomm demonstrated the results of 5G simulation tests in San Francisco and Frankfurt... As the largest exhibition of global communications, MWC2018 has been unsurprised by 5G refresh.

2018 is called the year of 5G.In the past, the MWC show has been the most popular among manufacturers of new smartphones.But this year, the samsung S9 series is the most eye-catching.China mobile ranked top in the first three of the OPPO, vivo even didn't come to the exhibition, the exhibition for the first time of millet, the biggest action is also opened the first home of millet in Barcelona, there is no release.

It can be said that there is a lack of innovative terminal products in this MWC exhibition,5G shows the potential of mountain and sea, crushing other technologies.The industry chains, including standard organizations, governments, operators and equipment makers, are gearing up for a step forward by 2019.

Huawei Balong 5g01

As a leading global ICT service provider,huawei launched MateBook X Pro line on the first day of the exhibition new laptops and M5 series tablet, also announced in 2018 launched the end-to-end 5 g commercial products, launched in 2019, kirin chips and smart phones.

A world leader in the integrated communication solutions, another - ZTE in this exhibition, to"commercial 5g" "5g connection" "cloud can make 5g" such as the theme, fully shows the leading strength in the field of zte in 5 g.Zte has invested 3 billion yuan in 5G every year, and combined qualcomm and China mobile to complete the first end-to-end system test based on the 3GPP R15 standard.

Intel has also demonstrated 5G's new commercial applications before the MWC:the world's largest 5G technology was successfully demonstrated at the 2018 winter Olympics in pyeongchang.Intel has also announced the deployment for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games 5 g technology, and cooperation with Japan's NTT DOCOMO communications service providers, for the upcoming 2020 Olympic Games in the network infrastructure, connection and cooperation in a new experience to provide 5 g technical support.

Qualcomm another chipmaker, is not too weak. "the industry has been getting a lot of attention recently for 5G, and we're looking at some of our friends who want to be able to 'rewrite history'," he said. Peter Carson, senior director of marketing at qualcomm, opened a media communication session on 5G topics directly to friends, and the scene seemed to be filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

This is Huawei. The afternoon before the meeting, huawei opened a new product launch event in the local area, where "One More Thing" was a 5G chip --Balong 5G01.Huawei said in an official press release that it was "the first commercially available, 3GPP based 5G chip".

According to Peter Carson, qualcomm released the world's first 5G modem, the snapdragon X50 5G modem, last year on the MWC. Last October, in Hong Kong, it announced the world's first 5G data connection based on the snapdragon X50 5G modem chipset.In November, qualcomm teamed up with zte and China mobile to complete the world's first 3GPP standard end-to-end 5G new airport system interoperability (IoDT).

"Some vendors will say they have made a lot of 'industry' or 'first' for the first time, but I believe you heard just now I back to share these announced that point in time, will be very clear understanding, qualcomm has been made in the field of 5 g is very solid progress." Peter Carson.

Peter Carson seems to be some wanting more, and then added: "we have also seen bad launched their 5 g chipsets, or larger size, not suitable for the demand of the mobile terminal. Our goal has always been that 5G chipsets must meet the needs of mobile terminals for size, performance and connection speed.」According to him, qualcomm's X50 chip is about the size of a 50-cent euro coin.

Similar jokes, qualcomm technology executive vice President and QCT President christiano amon also mentioned.At noon local time, on February 27, at a press conference at home and abroad, he also said that friends' 5G chips were too big to be used in mobile phones.

In fact,before the current MWC, qualcomm has announced with global 20 OEM cooperation,these companies will use qualcomm Xiao dragon X50 5g new hollow modem series, in order to make the first 5g intelligent terminal, expected for release in 2019.

The 5G new airway simulation

experiment demonstrated

by qualcomm at the MWC booth.

Another announcement is 18 major mobile operators around the world, including the world's largest mobile operators such as China, they said it would use qualcomm solution, experimenting and testing in 5g,and mutual support in 2019 5g commercial terminal target.

As 5G approaches, many of the tests that were already in the lab are moving toward reality.The highlight of qualcomm's current MWC is the demonstration of the results of 5G real network simulation experiments.

Qualcomm selected two cities to conduct large-scale network simulation experiments to reflect 5G's user experience gain. One is a 5G simulation in Frankfurt, Germany, at 3.5ghz, and another in San Francisco, California, for 5G network simulation of the 28GHz millimeter wave.

Peter Carson said: "the results show that two 5G simulation experiments have achieved five times the network capacity gain. In addition to the network capacity, the two experiments also achieved 7 times and 23 times faster response times, significantly improving the application experience.」 According to the results of 5G simulation experiment in San Francisco, the average download speed of 5G users reached 1.4Gbps, which is 20 times that of 4G network in the same environment.

Industry insiders say that before the advent of 5G, the most powerful test of real data. According to the plan of China's ministry of industry and information technology, the system test will be completed in the third phase of 5G in June this year.After the test of this stage, it also means that the main link of 5G industry chain will reach the pre-commercial level by the end of 2018.

At this critical window, everyone is on the final 100-meter dash.Especially in the 4G era, the backward operators, equipment manufacturers and so on, all secretly hold a breath, will turn over the hope of 5G.For them, 5G is now, is future!


