General Linear Group -- from Wolfram MathWorld
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Given a ring R with identity, the general linear group GL_n(R) is the group of n×n invertible matrices with elements in R. The general linear group GL_n(q) ... Algebra AppliedMathematics CalculusandAnalysis DiscreteMathematics FoundationsofMathematics Geometry HistoryandTerminology NumberTheory ProbabilityandStatistics RecreationalMathematics Topology AlphabeticalIndex NewinMathWorld Algebra GroupTheory FiniteGroups Algebra GroupTheory MatrixGroups MathWorldContributors Terr GeneralLinearGroup Givenaringwithidentity,thegenerallineargroup isthegroupofinvertible matriceswithelementsin. Thegenerallineargroupistheset ofmatrices withentriesinthefieldwhichhavenonzerodeterminant. SeealsoLanglandsReciprocity,ProjectiveGeneralLinearGroup, ProjectiveSpecialLinearGroup, SpecialLinearGroup PortionsofthisentrycontributedbyDavid Terr ExplorewithWolfram|Alpha Morethingstotry: finitegroups annulus,innerradius=2,outerradius=5 chickengame ReferencesConway,J. H.;Curtis,R. T.;Norton,S. P.;Parker,R. A.;andWilson,R. A."TheGroups,,,and."§2.1inAtlas ofFiniteGroups:MaximalSubgroupsandOrdinaryCharactersforSimpleGroups. Oxford,England:ClarendonPress,p. x,1985.ReferencedonWolfram|AlphaGeneralLinearGroup Citethisas: Terr,DavidandWeisstein,EricW."GeneralLinearGroup."FromMathWorld--A WolframWebResource. Subjectclassifications Algebra GroupTheory FiniteGroups Algebra GroupTheory MatrixGroups MathWorldContributors Terr Created,developedandnurturedbyEricWeissteinatWolframResearch
- 1general linear group - 一般線性群 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 數學名詞, general linear group, 一般線性群. 學術名詞 數學名詞-兩岸數學名詞, general linear gro...
- 2General Linear Group -- from Wolfram MathWorld
Given a ring R with identity, the general linear group GL_n(R) is the group of n×n invertible mat...
- 3general linear group - Wiktionary
Usage notesEdit ... The general linear group can be denoted GL(n, F) or GLn(F) — or, if the field...
- 4The General Linear Group
Then the general linear group GLn(F) is the group of invert- ible n × n matrices with entries in ...
- 5The linear groups
The set of all invertible transformations (or equivalently of invertible matrices) with determina...