Check the status of your AWS Educate application
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It usually takes the AWS Educate team around 5 to 10 business days to review and process your application. Students. If you are a student, your ... What'sthestatusofmyAWSEducateapplication? Lastupdated:2020-12-24 HasmyAWSEducateapplicationbeenaccepted? Resolution InstitutionsandEducators ItusuallytakestheAWSEducateteamaround5to10businessdaystoreviewandprocessyourapplication. Students Ifyouareastudent,yourAWSEducateapplicationisautomaticallyprocessedonsubmission.Youreceiveanemailconfirmationwithinafewminsafteryouapply. IfyourAWSEducateapplicationisrejected,seeWhywasmyAWSEducateapplicationrejected? Ifyouhavequeriesabouttheapplicationprocess,youcancontactAWSEducate. Relatedinformation HowdoIgetsupportfromtheAWSEducateprogram? Didthisarticlehelp? Submitfeedback Doyouneedbillingortechnicalsupport? ContactAWSSupport EndingSupportforInternetExplorer Gotit AWSsupportforInternetExplorerendson07/31/2022.SupportedbrowsersareChrome,Firefox,Edge,andSafari. Learnmore Gotit
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