Should I keep CPU Ring Ratio the same as CPU Core Ratio ...
文章推薦指數: 80 %
Ring ratio overclocking yields negligible performance improvements and can sometimes make your core overclock unstable. Foundtheinternet!Sorry,forsomereasonredditcan'tbereached.Retry Advertisement
- 1[SOLVED] - Is CPU Cache Ratio the same as CPU Ring Ratio
Ring ratio is just the CPU Cache speed the closer you can get it to be the same as your CPU speed...
- 2如何從BIOS 超頻CPU - Intel
提高CPU Core Voltage 會提高CPU 的輸入電壓,為CPU 提供執行更高速度所需的空餘空間。 CPU Cache/Ring Ratio(CPU 快取/環狀倍頻)會調整CPU 若干部...
- 3How can you overclock your Intel 9th Gen CPU up to 5GHz with MSI ...
- 4CPU ring voltage? | Tom's Hardware Forum
- 5來自MSI 的CPU 及記憶體超頻指南
9900K Ring Ratio 建議設定47、9700K Ring Ratio 建議設定46、9600K Ring Ratio 建議設定43,當然使用者可以嘗試其他設定。 CPU Ratio ...