Contingent valuation | economics | Britannica
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Contingent valuation, a survey-based method of determining the economic value of a nonmarket resource. It is used to estimate the value of resources and ... Co
- 1Contingent Valuation Method - 假設市場評價法,條件評估法
Contingent Valuation Method ... 的價值判斷,因此除了能對環境財與準公共財中的使用價值(use value)進行評估外,亦可估計財貨的非使用價值(non-use v...
- 2The Contingent Valuation Method - Small Business -
- 3Contingent valuation - Wikipedia
Contingent valuation is a survey-based economic technique for the valuation of non-market resourc...
- 4Contingent Valuation - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Contingent valuation is a stated-preference (survey) method in which respondents are asked to sta...
- 5Contingent valuation | economics | Britannica
Contingent valuation, a survey-based method of determining the economic value of a nonmarket reso...