secondary production中文

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關於「secondary production中文」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:

Secondary Production - 次級生產 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙名詞解釋: 相對於初級生產,由草食性動物、肉食性動物或食碎屑者所產生之生產量稱之。

生態系內能量經由植物體行光合作用而留下之初級生產被這些動物吃後, ...Secondary production - 次要產出 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 經濟學, Secondary production, 次要產出. 學術名詞 礦冶工程名詞, secondary production, 二期採油. 學術名詞SECONDARY PRODUCTION | meaning in the Cambridge English ...secondary production definition: the manufacturing of goods rather than producing raw materials. Learn more.Available Language Packs for Windows | Microsoft Docs2018年11月28日 · See zh-TW. ... Chinese (Taiwan), zh-TW, 0x0404, 1028. Croatian ... Secondary: en-GB, hr-HR, sr-Latn-RS ... Galician, gl-ES, Primary: es-ES.Secondary Production - Ecology - Oxford Bibliographies2020年9月24日 · For an individual, secondary production is equivalent to the growth of new somatic or reproductive biomass over time. For a population ...QR Droid - Apps on Google Play評分 4.3 (348,736) · 免費 · AndroidChange your smartphone into a powerful QR Code, Barcode, and Data Matrix scanning utility. Import, create, use, and share data in a matter of taps.ASUS USAASUS is a leading company driven by innovation and commitment to quality for products that include notebooks, netbooks, motherboards, graphics cards, ...Fairtrade Standards - - Fairtrade InternationalFor farmers, workers and other primary producers ... Secondary products. Many secondary products and derivatives are also covered by Fairtrade. Learn more ...secondary production | Oilfield GlossaryThe method used to sustain production levels at viable rates following a fall in flow rate as the efficiency of the primary production methods declines. Secondary  ...G L Hartung | British MuseumAlso known as: G L Hartung: primary name: Hartung, G L. Details: individual; publisher/printer; German; Male. Life dates: fl.c.1773-1794. Biography: Publisher in ...
