framing bias中文

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框架效應- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia無法查證的內容可能會因為異議提出而移除。

在心理學中,框架效應(英語: Framing effect)是一種認知偏差,最早在1981年 ... | 框架效應- MBA智库百科框架效應(Framing effects)框架效應是指一個問題兩種在邏輯意義上相似的說法卻 ... 最引人註目的例子就是所謂的“框架效應”(framing effect),在這一效應下, 以 ... 取自" 88% ... 全球专业中文经管百科,由121,994位网友共同编写而成,共计428,999个条目. | 框架效應》開會討論議題發散、不同部門成員互相指責,怎麼辦 ...2019年7月30日 · 管理知識內參,做你的線上MBA補給。

什麼是「框架效應」(Framing Effect)框架效應(又稱框架偏見)是一種認知偏差,指人的決定會受資訊 ... | AFFECT AND THE FRAMING EFFECT WITHIN INDIVIDUALS OVER ...Yet, despite its status, the framing effect is not robust at the individual level of ... To generate predictions consistent with the framing effect, prospect theory ... [ PubMed] [Google Scholar]; Meyer JD, Gaschke YN, Braverman DL, Evans TW. ... [Google Scholar]; Ortony A, Clore GL, Collins A. The cognitive structure of emotions.Emotional decision-making in autism spectrum disorder: the roles of ...2016年10月13日 · It was previously reported that susceptibility to the framing effect was reduced in individuals with ... In the neurotypical group, however, the size of the framing effect was associated with alexithymia and ... Wallace GL, Happé F. Time perception in autism spectrum disorders. ... Twitter; Share on Google Plus ...Bioavailability of Nutrients for Animals: Amino Acids, Minerals, ...Phosphorus requirements of growing pigs and effect of steam pelleting on phosphorus availability. ... Burnell, T. W., G. L. Cromwell and T. S. Stahly. 1990. Effects ...Nutrient Requirements of SwineBurnell , T. W. , G. L. Cromwell , and T. S. Stahly . 1988. Effects of particle size on the availability of phosphorus in defluorinated phosphate for pigs . J. Anim .Durum Wheat, Semolina and Pasta Quality: Recent Achievements and ...Treatments were applied to 1,000 m2 plots Farm Row spacing TKWb TW PC GL YI W P ... TW = Test Weight ( kg / hL ) ; PC = Protein Content ( % , dmb ) ; GL = Gluten ( g ) ... Siemens ( 1963 ) has studied the effect of varying row spacing on the ...Distillers Grains: Production, Properties, and UtilizationEffect of single- or twin-screw extrusion on energy and amino acid digestibility of wheat or corn distillers dried grains with ... (Abstr.) Burnell, T. W., G. L. Cromwell ...Phosphorus and Calcium Utilization and Requirements in Farm AnimalsBlair, R., English, P.R. and Michie, W. (1965) Effect of calcium source on calcium ... Burnell, T.W., Cromwell, G.L. and Stahly, T.S. (1988) Bioavailability of ...
