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Consider 還是regard 呢? - 英文資訊交流網2018年1月8日 · Brant is considered as an expert in horticulture. (誤); We all consider him to be the most successful businessman in Taiwan. (我們都認為他是 ...Consider 還是consider as 呢? - 英文資訊交流網2008年9月22日 · Consider 的主要意思有三:. 第一義是「認為,把…視為」(句型為:consider + 受詞+ 名詞/形容詞)。

例如:Do you consider her suitable for the ...[DOC] Consider 的用法.docxconsider 在英語中是一常用詞,由於它的詞義及句型很多,學英語的人常常為該詞的 ... 認為 ...是 ... e.g. I consider him (to be) my best friend. 我將他視為我最好的朋友。

... source: factors to consider when assessing lay-up options - DNV GL2020年4月2日 · In response to coronavirus cancellations, DNV GL wants to inform cruise and ferry operators about lay-up options and precautions in what is a ...Representations and Nilpotent Orbits of Lie Algebraic Systems: In ...This defines a maximal torus TW C II, GL(Wi), and KTy (pt) = CIzi", • * * > zo']. We consider the (quantized) K-theoretic Coulomb branch with flavor deformation A4  ...「consider」正確用法是?來看例句搞懂! – 英文庫總體來說,我認為這個盛會是成功的。

All things considered, I'd rather be in Taiwan. 考量到所有因素,我寧願留在台灣。

⑨ considering.Natural Operations in Differential Geometry... satisfies rw(u,q(u,w)) = w, (UI,TIV(UI,WI)) = vt, and Tw(uzg,vt) = p(g-l)TW(ux ... a finite dimensional vector space W . We consider the associated vector bundle ...Spectral Means of Central Values of Automorphic L-Functions for GL(2)Then, since 1 + tw. e U.(1) C of, we have |y| = |b|0|t| "|1 + tw." (1 + b "). A computation shows the equality all = ul"tb '(1 + tw. ... (b+1): Consider the case |b|| 4 |tw.英文Kao Easy - 認為(1)講到(認為),可用的字詞包括:consider ...2014年12月5日 · 認為(1)講到(認為),可用的字詞包括:consider, deem, think, take for, ... 我們先來看這句英語: Many foreigners think Taiwan as an island of ...Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2019: ...In a previous work [3], the authors shed light on so called credulous Twitter users ... and develop a classifier to find out credulous Twitter users, by considering a ... of the Twitter APIs and to the 1 Bot Repository Datasets: 2 ...
