OpenGL 範例

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3D Graphics with OpenGL by Examples - NTU... 141 142 143 144 145, /* * OGL01Shape3D.cpp: 3D Shapes */ #include < windows.h> // for MS Windows #include // GLUT, include glu.h and gl .h ...An introduction on OpenGL with 2D Graphics - OpenGL Tutorial - NTU1.1 Example 1: Setting Up OpenGL and GLUT (GL01Hello.cpp) ... Core OpenGL ( GL): consists of hundreds of commands, which begin with a prefix " gl " (e.g., ...GLUT - The OpenGL Utility ToolkitWe direct you to use FreeGLUT found on SourceForge: http://freeglut.sourceforge .net/. The original GLUT has been unsupported for 20 years. Coding Resources.Examples - OpenGLOpenGL evaluators simple example with lots of options. Source code: ... This program demonstrates the use of the GL lighting model. Objects are drawn using a ...OpenGL Basics : TechWeb : Boston UniversityAll OpenGL library functions begin with the letters gl and capitalize words ( example functions: glClear , glClearColor , and
