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Cloud Native Computing Foundation receives $9 million cloud credit ...2018年8月29日 · With this move, CNCF and Kubernetes community members will take ownership of all day-to-day Kubernetes project operations. Responsibilities ...Diversity scholarship series: One DevOps engineer's perspective on ...2017年4月20日 · CNCF offered six diversity scholarships to developers to attend CloudNativeCon + KubeCon Europe 2017. ... a post on twitter that was advertising a “Diversity Scholarship” to attend their ... Part 5 – Finale: ...AWS加入雲端原生運算基金會,四大全球雲端服務巨頭到齊| iThome2017年8月10日 · 成為CNCF白金會員(Platinum Member)代表AWS一年要支付37萬美元的年費, 但可指派一名代表參加CNCF理事會,另有一個投票名額,能夠 ...CNCF on Twitter: "Can't be here in Austin with us for #KubeCon + ...CNCF ☁ ♮ ... Join us at Aug 17-20 virtual, Nov 17-20 Boston. San Francisco, CA. Joined July 2015 ... Talk - Micro-Services Lifecycle Management at Twitter by ...Lightning Talk - Micro-Services Lifecycle Management at Twitter - Micheal ... users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.SNCF - Apps on Google Play評分 4.1 (30,975) · 免費 · AndroidTHE SNCF APP BECOMES YOUR ASSISTANT FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL! New modes of transport and new features... Your app is evolving as it becomes the : Cheap Train & Bus tickets for France - Apps on Google Play評分 4.2 (192,030) · 免費 ·, THE NEW NAME FOR VOYAGES-SNCF Say OUI to all your travel desires. We continue to bring you more clarity, more support and more services.Working at Capgemini - CNCF KubeCon Berlin (Part 1 of 5) - LinkedIn2017年4月4日 · Twitter. 0. Had myself an early flight to get myself over early enough so I could do the stereotypical sightseeing lark prior to the early attendee ...cncf/landscape: The Cloud Native Interactive Landscape ... - GitHubThe CNCF Cloud Native Landscape Project is intended as a map through the ... This doesn't apply to Chinese companies without Twitter accounts, since Twitter ...Meet the GitLab team | GitLabJacksonville, FL, USA · Senior Support Engineer (Americas East) · On-call champion! Enterprise Edition Specialist; LDAP expert · Geo expert · CI/CD expert.
