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Chinese Word: 飞翔- Talking Chinese English DictionaryMeaning of 飞翔. Writing Setting. fēi xiáng (Trad.: 飛翔) HSK 6.飞翔in English - What is the meaning of 飞翔- Translation ...飞翔 Add to My Vocabulary. PinYin fēi xiáng Simplified 飞翔 Traditional 飛翔. to circle in the air; to soar. Chinese meanings. fēixiáng 盘旋地飞,泛指飞:展翅~ㄧ ...飛翔in English,meaning,飛翔translated into English,Chinese to ...蝴蝶的飞翔力强。

Butterflies can be strong flyers. 你对飞翔的燕子感到满意吗? Are you satisfied with flying swallows? 鸟儿怎么飞翔? How do birds fly? 简,你 ...Translation of 我飞翔,我飞翔to English with audio for 我飞翔,我 ...我飞翔,我飞翔. 我飛翔,我飛翔. wǒ fēi xiáng, wǒ fēi xiáng. phr. (lyrics) I fly, I fly. × . Please register to include this word into your private vocabulary lists. You can ...[PDF] mandarin compound verbs - Taiwan Journal of Linguisticslight verb: A verb with a very general meaning, such as to do, to make, to ... English verb may well contain a phonaestheme, e.g. the consonant cluster gl- ... ( 41) 飛 fei1 'to fly, go fast': 飛翔 fei1xiang2 'to hover'; 飛躍 fei1yue4 'to leap'; 飛揚 ...Twitter - 维基百科,自由的百科全书Twitter (/ˈtwɪtər/;官方中文譯名推特,但繁體中文和簡體中文的介面均表記作Twitter),是美國 ... 2011年11月8日,Twitter对其网站进行了一次重新设计,以突出其“飞翔”的寓意,该设计据说是为了能够提供给用户更好的 ... 字数的限制同时还催生了类似bit.ly、goo.gl等缩略网址服务和类似Twitpic这种第三方内容存储服务,同时 ...[PDF] 6. The Cross-Cultural Symbolism of Birds伸展其翅膀,可飛翔到天庭,亦是代表太陽與天空眾神最具權威之地。

... 電子信箱:[email protected] ... above, this paper considers the various meanings attributed to birds in a ... Times Dictionary of Chinese Symbols (G. L. Campbell,.[PDF] Identity and Theatre Translation in Hong Kong - Coredemonstrate, in theatre translation, Hongkongers have found a source of ... Changing Spaces of Public Culture in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore” ( 1996b), ... Gl'Ingannati, first performed at a carnival in 1531, and the script was frequently ... 蝴蝶飛翔. Gershe, Leonard. 連奴·尊治. USA. 陳敢權/譯. 陳敢權. 1990.12.10-15.What does 飞翔(Fēixiáng) mean in Chinese? - WordHippoNeed to translate "飞翔" (Fēixiáng) from Chinese? Here's what it means.Liu Wen zen - Pinterest劉文正-飛翔飛翔我飛翔+讓我為妳唱一支歌+飛鷹(1981). 祝永遠的巨星11.12 生日快樂! ... 大方提供和製作分享。

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