
文章推薦指數: 80 %


"實至名歸"英文 - 查查綫上辭典實至名歸英文翻譯:[ shízhìmíngguī ] when one makes a real …,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋實至名歸英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯實至名歸,實至名歸的 ...實至名歸- English translation – LingueeMany translated example sentences containing "實至名歸" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations.Chinese Word: 实至名归- Talking Chinese English DictionaryEnglish explanation of 实至名归, with mandarin pronunciation, traditional variants , character structure information, stroke order animation, stroke order image ...實至名歸的英文翻譯,實至名歸英文怎麼說,實至名歸的英文例句實至名歸英文翻譯: 實至名歸[shí zhì míng guī] living up to one's name ..., 學習實至名歸發音, 實至名歸例句盡在WebSaru字典。

实至名归- shí zhì míng guī - Chinese character definition, English ...See the Chinese word for fame follows merit (idiom), its pinyin shí zhì míng guī, meaning, example sentences for 实至名归, its traditional form 實至名歸, ...Groupe public 師大英語Department of English@National Taiwan ...師大英語Department of English@National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) a 2 279 membres. ... 與貢獻,黃教授已獲多項國內外多項學術界獎項肯定,本次獲選為中研院院士,實是實至名歸。

... 詳情請參閱系友會網頁: http://goo.gl/Ss97Eh __.實至名歸的英语翻译,實至名歸用英文怎么写、英语怎么说,中译英-xyz ...it 词典解释. When one makes a real achievement, he becomes known. Fame follows merit. Reputation comes naturally from real distinction. 网络释义实至名归-  ...德明財經科技大學通識教育中心報名網址:https://www.examservice.com.tw/Home/preindex?setStoreID=B6088A 6.網上成績查詢:自2020/05/26起(紙本成績單寄至本校通識中心) 7.英文學期 ...实至名归是什么意思? 用英文翻译应该是...? - HiNativeSimplified Chinese (China); Traditional Chinese (Taiwan); English (UK) ... How do you say this in Simplified Chinese (China)? 实至名归是什么 ...Google Play十幾年來,她歷經過幾次相親失敗、差點成了介入別人家庭的小三、還在網路上遇過國際詐騙集團,最後靠著自學英文網路交友,竟然喊著要嫁到澳洲去…… 這不僅 ...
