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Spillover - 外溢 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙以Spillover 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 經濟學, Spillover, 外溢. 學術名詞 通訊工程, spillover, 溢失,漏失. 學術名詞 | [PDF] 創新與研發、知識外溢之因果分析— 以G20 國家集團為例經濟論文叢刊(Taiwan Economic Review), 40:4 (2012), 515–538。

國立台灣大學經濟學系出版 ... 的技術水準, 稱為外溢效果(spillover effect)。

Positive and Negative Spillover from Work to Home - Wiley Online ...Cooper (eds), Handbook of. Work and Health Psychology, 2nd edn, pp. 279–312. Chich- ester: Wiley. Geurts S. A. E., T. W. Taris, A. J. Kompier, J. S. E. Dikkers, ...外溢效應,ERICDATA高等教育知識庫外溢效應(spillover effect),又稱外溢效果,係指某一個事件或行為出現,往往會影響到其他事務發展,產生一種外部式的溢出效果。

起訖頁, 135-136. | 美國貨幣政策對國際金融市場的外溢效果:來自於 ... - 電子學位論文服務2019年1月10日 · 中文摘要, 本文以中國ETF市場為證,採用馬可夫轉換 ... Chen, J.G., Lin, C.H., 2015, “Industrial Spillover Effects in the Taiwan Stock Market.Renal noradrenaline spillover correlates with muscle sympathetic ...Renal noradrenaline spillover correlates with muscle sympathetic activity in humans. B G Wallin, J M Thompson, G L Jennings, and M D Esler. Author information ... tw | twHandbook of Stress, 2nd EdQUINN, R. P., MANGIONE, T. W., BARNOWE, J. T., SEASHORE, S. E., COBB, W., ... STAINES, G. L. Spillover versus compensation: A review of the literature on ...The Work and Family Handbook: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives and ...Positive-spillover effects from job to home: A closer look. Women & Health, 19(2/3), 13–41. ... Bowen, G. L., Orthner, D. K., & Bell, D. B. (1997).The New Palgrave Dictionary of EconomicsDefining T' as the set of ideas in the world: TW = XCT. i New ideas arrive to country ... has related invention to human effort and to research spillovers, ...A Day in the Life of a Happy WorkerKamarck, T.W., Shiffman, S.M., Smithline, L., Goodie, J.L., Paty, J.A., Gnys, ... Daily stress and the trajectory of mood: spillover, response assimilation, ...
